484 MW
approximate installed capacity
Ticoba Solar Farm
Ticoba Solar Farm is a 484MW project proposed to be located 33 km west of Mundubbera in Central Queensland, in the North Burnett Shire. Approximately 750 000 solar photovoltaic panels will be hosted on an operational property and co-exist with agricultural practices. The area was chosen for its high solar resource, its proximity to existing transmission lines and its low impact on environmental and social values. The project has the potential to produce electricity equivalent to enough to power around 260,000 homes.
The project is projected to inject an estimated $100M+ into local and regional businesses, and deliver 450-600 construction jobs and 4-6 operational jobs locally.
In addition, community benefits funding of at least $1m over the life of the project will be used to deliver on local community priorities.
The project will be assessed by North Burnett Regional Council through a Development Application process, which includes public consultation.
From an early stage, we engage with landholders, neighbours, First Nations people, local government and other local stakeholders to engage and understand how project design can fit the local community. Key methods include community drop in sessions, newsletter updates, websites and regular meetings with key stakeholders. Project development includes a public consultation process, and we work to ensure that collaboration continues throughout all stages of our projects.
It is proposed that the project connect to Powerlink’s existing Halys-Calvale 275kV transmission line.