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Mulwala Solar Farm

31MW solar power for NSW

About Mulwala Solar Farm

Upper Calliope Solar farm is currently under development, and is set to provide over 30MW of solar power to NSW. The site is located approximately 2 km north of Mulwala.

31 MW

approximate installed capacity

66 GWh / year

approximate annual production capacity

215 hectares

1/3 for solar panels and 2/3 grazed


target grid connection

“With our integrated development, engineering, procurement, construction and operations capability, I believe EE is in a strong position to deliver quality projects in a timely and efficient manner. This is the key to securing affordable, sustainable energy for our customers.”
Catriona McLeod, Country Manager Australia, European Energy


European Energy is committed to maximising the benefits of the project for the local community. Opportunities will be given for local contractors to supply goods and services, particularly during project construction.

The project is in close proximity to Essential Energy’s existing distribution network.