European Energy Australia and the First Nations Bailai, Gurang, Gooreng Gooreng and Taribelang Bunda People Development Corporation (FNBGGGTB Development Corporation) have identified a potential wind farm as the next phase of their partnership around Gladstone in Queensland, Australia.
The FNBGGGTB Development Corporation is the operational arm of the First Nations Bailai, Gurang, Gooreng Gooreng and Taribelang Bunda People Prescribed Body Corporate (PBC), dedicated to ensuring traditional custodians share in the economic prosperity of the Gladstone area. European Energy is a global renewables company with extensive expertise in renewable energy development, EPC, financing, and operations.
For the past nine months, European Energy and the FNBGGGTB Development Corporation have been collaborating on renewable energy opportunities on traditional country.
In Gladstone this week, the two parties announced that they are developing a wind farm in the Gladstone State Development Area. The wind farm could generate up to 250MW of clean green energy into the energy intensive Gladstone region, reducing carbon emissions by over 5m tonnes yearly and attracting additional investment and jobs.
“Continuing our relationship with European Energy is crucial to safeguarding our participation in Green Energy projects occurring in the region. We value the opportunity to be involved from the outset and look forward to participating in productive commercial opportunities which respect and benefit our country, our people and our culture,’ stated Marcia McCullough, Chair, FNBGGGTB Development Corporation.
“We have worked closely with the executives of the FNBGGGTB Development Corporation over the year, developing our partnership and this specific opportunity”, said Catriona McLeod, Managing Director for European Energy in Australia. “We are honoured to be partnering with such a visionary organisation on something as important as the renewables transition and First Nations economic prosperity”.
Kerrie Jocumsen, European Energy Australia
Matthew Cooke, FNBGGGTB Development Corporation