Up to 250 MW
installed capacity
Aldoga Wind Farm
The Aldoga Wind Farm is an up to 250MW wind farm project proposed to be located in the Gladstone State Development Area, about 25 km from Gladstone in the Gladstone Regional Council area. The project is being developed in partnership with European Energy Australia and the First Nations Bailai, Gurang, Gooreng Gooreng, Taribelang Bunda People Development Corporation, and aims to set a leading example of First Nations involvement in and prosperity from the green transition.
Gladstone is a heavy user of electricity and will benefit directly from the addition of clean green power. The project also brings significant economic benefits to Gladstone and the surrounding region, including a large number of construction jobs and procurement opportunities.
The Aldoga Wind Farm is being developed in partnership with European Energy Australia and the First Nations Bailai, Gurang, Gooreng Gooreng, Taribelang Bunda People Development Corporation. Both parties are committed to developing the project in an environmentally and culturally sensitive manner and building in First Nations and local economic benefits.
A State Development Area Material Change of Use application will be submitted through the Department of State Development, Infrastructure and Planning. In addition, a referral may be required to the Federal Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water to assess any impacts on Matters of Environmental Significance under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act.
From an early stage, we engage with landholders, neighbours, First Nations people, local government and other local stakeholders to engage and understand how project design can fit the local community. Meetings with local landowners and neighbours, community drop–in sessions, newsletter and website updates, and regular meetings with key stakeholders are key to project development. We work to ensure that collaboration continues throughout all stages of our projects.
The project is in feasibility stage and connection options are being explored. Two 275kV transmission lines cross the southern part of the site, and the site is in close proximity to the Larcom Creek 275/132kV substation.
Get in touch:
For any questions and queries on the project, reach out to our team on 1300 261 667 or infoaus@europeanenergy.com.
You can also get in contact with our Project Manager, Shari Rankin.